
Private Accommodation

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Occasionally, students and parents will choose to arrange private homestay accommodation while the student studies at one of our secondary schools.

Private Homestay Requirements

  • Students must live with an adult over the age of 25, preferably English speaking.
  • Homestay must be located in or near the city of Richmond.
  • Homestay parent(s) must have the ability and willingness to act as the student's Responsible Person (RP). A RP is responsible for taking care of the student's day to day needs and will be contacted if there are issues with attendance, grades or the student's wellbeing.

Other Considerations

We strongly recommend students live in an English-speaking homestay. An English-speaking environment will improve understanding of English, the language of instruction in our schools. It is a vital component of student success, both socially and academically.

Private homestays are expected to adhere to the BC K-12 International Student Homestay Guidelines. For more information, please review K-12 International Student Homestay Guidelines 2018 on the Ministry of Education website.