
Welcome to English

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Welcome to English is a beginner's level English course specifically designed for parents of international students in the Richmond School District.  Students will improve English listening, speaking and reading skills, learn about life in Canada, the community of Richmond, and the British Columbia education system.

Classes will include interactive learning of English, and question & answer sessions with staff from the Richmond School District. 

Program Details 

Entry dates: October and February

Non-credit: Optional program for parents

Dates: Thursdays & Fridays from February 20 to June 20, 2025* (30 sessions) ​

*No classes on Spring Break (March 17 - 28, 2025), Good Friday ( April 18, 2025) and Common Pro-D Day (May 16, 2025)*

Location: Richmond Adult Education Centre, 12091 Cambie Road, Richmond

Time: 9:30am to 11:30am

Program Fee: $945.00 (Minimum 10 students)

Application Information